Monday, June 28, 2010
First Time Swimming!
Last Sunday, it was really hot out, so we took Owen swimming for the first time in our next-door neighbor's pool. They just got a new solar heater, so the water was nice and warm. Owen had a good time. He was very curious about what was going on - maybe a little concerned (he seemed to be chewing on his lower lip), but he didn't cry at all. He started to kick and paddle a little not long after getting in the pool. He seemed very surprised when he splashed himself in the face! He really liked it when Daddy zoomed him around the pool!

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Dog on Fleas
The other week, we took Owen to another Kid Tunes show at the Banana Factory. This month, Dog on Fleas was playing. They did a great job entertaining the kids and the parents. Owen was quiet - just taking in the music and watching all of the kids run around. He didn't fall to sleep this time, but he did get really comfortable listening to the music!

An Afternoon on the Town
Last weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Smith came up for a visit and to spend some time with Owen. Since they were watching Owen for the day, Mommy and Daddy got to go out and spend the afternoon downtown - like we used to in the old days! We had planned to walk over to the south side for the South Side Film Festival, but it was a little warm out so we decided to stay near Main Street. So, instead of watching a documentary about the impoverished in India, the new plan was to go see Toy Story 3, which was showing at the Boyd Theater across the street from where we were standing. However, the movie had started about half an hour ago, so we decided to try to go to the next show.
That Saturday, there was a benefit for the Gulf oil spill (called "Songs for the Spill") at one of the coffee houses that we frequent, so we stopped by there to donate some money and listen to music for a while. The benefit featured music from 11am-11pm with 12 total bands. When the time came for the next showing of Toy Story, we ran into a teacher from Phillipsburg on our way across the street to the theater. It turned out that her daughter was singing at the benefit at 5pm. So, we hung around a little longer and watched her daughter perform (with her boyfriend's band). They were pretty good!
Finally, after not seeing any movies, we stopped into Apollo Grill for dinner, where we don't get to go that often anymore. So, of course, it was very nice to get in there for a meal.
That Saturday, there was a benefit for the Gulf oil spill (called "Songs for the Spill") at one of the coffee houses that we frequent, so we stopped by there to donate some money and listen to music for a while. The benefit featured music from 11am-11pm with 12 total bands. When the time came for the next showing of Toy Story, we ran into a teacher from Phillipsburg on our way across the street to the theater. It turned out that her daughter was singing at the benefit at 5pm. So, we hung around a little longer and watched her daughter perform (with her boyfriend's band). They were pretty good!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Milestone for Mommy
Tunes at Twilight Pictures
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Visit From Aunty Lisa
Last weekend, Lisa (Kathleen's friend from college) came down for a visit. We had a nice weekend just spending time in Bethlehem.
We went to Vynecrest Winery to do some wine tasting and buy some wine - Kathleen and Lisa really like the wine there. There was some nice live acoustic music downstairs in the wine cellar, so we hung out there for a while.
Saturday evening, we all had a nice dinner at Brewworks downtown. Owen had a good time playing with the menu, throwing all of his toys on the floor, and trying to get the attention of everyone that walked by.

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Owen's First Day of Daycare
Owen had his first day of daycare on Tuesday. He'll be going two days a week for June and July, and then full time in August before Kathleen starts back to work in September. He seemed to have a really good time at daycare! When we dropped him off, we just put him down on the floor and started crawling around and playing with the toys. As we were leaving, he just smiled at us.
When Kathleen went to pick him up at 3:30, he screamed when he saw her and made such a commotion that he upset the little one next to him. Owen came home with an "I made it through my first day of daycare" certificate, a nice smiling picture (see below), and his first accident report. It seems that Owen was having such a good time crawling around the playroom that he tried to crawl up something and fell on his face a little. So, he has a little bit of a black eye. But that didn't ruin his day, because he seemed to have a great time (just see the smiles in the picture).
After he was home, he was even in a better mood. He hung out with Mommy and Daddy and played with his toys without demanding to be held. And he ate all of his food for dinner without a fuss. He was such a big boy for his first day of daycare! We're so proud of him!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Shawnee Celtic Festival
The Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we went up to a Celtic festival in the Poconos at Shawnee Mountain. We had a beautiful day - I think it was about 8 degrees cooler up there (than the Lehigh Valley) with a nice breeze.
There was a small petting zoo at the festival. Owen enjoyed checking out the goats, sheep, and chickens. And Mommy made friends with a baby pot-bellied pig that liked to have it's back scratched.
There was also a lot of nice music at the festival. We knew two of the bands playing: Burning Bridget Cleary and Seven Nations. Owen had fun dancing around to Burning Bridget Cleary. He got a lot of attention from all of the audience members, who were watching him dance. And he especially liked the two cute girls in the band playing fiddles for him!

Owen also enjoyed rocking out to Seven Nation later on (electric guitars and bagpipes!), but by that time he was getting a little tired out and he fell asleep halfway through the show!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Art Walk
Last Saturday night, they had a nice event downtown called Art Walk. A lot of local artists had their art for sale on the sidewalks, and there were a few musicians playing music on the street. Owen had a good time listening to a singer playing blues/pop songs. And he was making eyes at all of the cute girls walking by!
We grabbed some dinner outside on the sidewalk. By the time, that we stopped to listen to a jazz band playing on Broad Street, he was asleep!

Dodging the Rain!
Last Thursday night, there were thunderstorms in the forecast. But, we headed downtown for Tunes at Twilight anyway, because that's what we do... and it seemed like the thunderstorms were going to go around Bethlehem. The rain stayed away while we ate our dinner, and the sun even came out for a while. The music was great - a Dixieland band - reminded us of New Orleans!
However, about half-way through the show, it did start to drizzle a little. So, we huddled in the entryway of one of the nearby buildings and listened to the music and talked with some friends that we ran into. Rather than staying on stage, the band wandered around the crowd playing music. It's a good thing that they didn't need to be plugged in to play!
We thought the rain had blown by, but a dark cloud was approaching, so we decided to hurry and try to get home before the rain got here. But we got about half-way home when the thunderstorm blew in. So, we just huddled in the entryway of a building for about 5-10 minutes while the storm blew by. Owen seemed to be enjoying it all - he does love those rain sounds! He has been listening to a recording of rain while he sleeps since he was born.
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