Last weekend, we had our first (non-parent) babysitter for Owen on Saturday night. Hannah is the daughter of one of Phil's co-workers. We've known her for a few years (from our relationship with her mom) and have seen her perform Irish dancing a few times at the local festivals. She's in 8th grade, but she is responsible and mature for her age. While babysitting Owen this time, she didn't have too much to be responsible for. She helped us feed Owen his dinner and put him down to bed. And all she had to do was listen to the baby monitor and watch a little TV - but I think that she actually did homework all night.
Mommy and Daddy had a nice evening out - dinner and a movie. We walked downtown, had dinner at Apollo Grill (where we haven't gotten to go in a while), and went to see Iron Man 2 at the Boyd.
Since we didn't take any pictures that night, here's a picture of Hannah dancing at Musikfest last year - she's the one on the right.
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