Thursday, July 1, 2010

Owen's Attorney: Betsy, Esquire

Now that Owen is crawling around, there's now a lot of trouble he can get into of course. There are a ton of things that Owen wants that he's not allowed to have. So, Mommy has to tell Owen "No" a lot now - and that drives Betsy nuts! She doesn't like to hear the "N" word. So, she typically runs up to Owen and gives him kisses to try to get him to stop doing what he's doing wrong. We call her Owen's Attorney since she's always on the scene trying to defend Owen when he's doing something wrong. Owen's not doing anything wrong in the picture below, but there's Betsy in the background - nearby, in case there is trouble!

Owen does enjoy his time in his play yard also - where he can't get into trouble. Betsy likes to play games with Owen through the mesh. We caught them giving each other kisses through the mesh one day!

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